NARAM-51 logo NAR logo
National Association of Rocketry Annual Meet
Johnstown, PA          Aug 8 - Aug 14, 2009

The NAR offers support to teachers who use rocketry in their classrooms via the Robert L. Cannon Education Award program. This award, initiated by Vern Estes, is given to deserving educators who have a model rocketry program in a public school or college. The Cannon award is funded primarily by the annual NARAM auction through donations made by NAR members. The funds received at the auction are restricted to this award. If you would like to make a donation to the NARAM auction you can either send me a list of items you are bringing to donate or if you need to ship the items ahead, please send them to me with at the following address:
Steve Foster
NARAM-51 Auction
125 Crestline Dr.
Leechburg PA 15656

Thank You

Steve Foster