NAR Section #473
Flying at Weber Farm
In order to document Club Launches, you may see a number of individuals taking photos using cameras and/or portable devices in the range-head, while prepping your rocket, and out at the launch pads. Photographic subjects may include, but are not limited to: people, rockets, takeoff and recovery, and for ease of documentation, flight cards.
We strive to do our best to provide both you and the Club with photographic memories of your time here today. These pictures are posted to Google Drives and a link to them can be found on the club website , on the home page or gallery pages. All participants may download, copy and/or print these photos without permission.
If you do not want photos of yourself, family members or your rocket(s), please let the photographer know. Or, if you’d like a specific picture taken, our Club photographers are more than happy to accommodate your wishes.
This policy applies to all Members, Guests and Spectators.
PSC Launch Site Rules
1) All NAR rules are in effect for the entire launch. All rockets shall follow the applicable safety code.
2) All Flyers must comply with the NAR and Tripoli's Certified Motor List. Whenever there is a certification conflict, the NAR list will take precedence over the Tripoli list.
3) The LCO can refuse a flight for any reasonable reason.
4) HPR fliers must present proof of NAR/Tripoli membership. Be ready to present your card at sign-in time. No certifications or other HPR flights will be allowed with "pending" or "expired " status.
5) All flights must include a flight card. These are available at the LCO/SCO in table.
6) PSC’s launch site, Weber Farm, has a maximum allowed flying altitude of 3,850 feet AGL. Due to weather conditions at the time of launch, or other extenuating circumstances determined by the LCO and the FAA, it’s possible that allowed flight altitudes will be restricted to a lower altitude on launch day. All HPR rockets must have sims proving that they will not break the maximum altitude limit, and fliers must be prepared to either use a lower impulse motor or not fly on those occasions when the site’s maximum flight altitude is not available. Please use RockSim, Open Rocket or wRASP to simulate your vehicle’s performance.
7) The use of motors that produce sparks is only permitted when field conditions allow. You must check with the LCO before flying these types of motors to make sure that the field conditions are optimal for their use.
8) Our Site has a maximum motor class limit of M. If you plan on flying a motor that is either an L or an M, you must submit by email a sim to the NAR Section Advisor in advance of launch day before you’ll be permitted to launch a rocket with these size motors. Likewise, clusters or staged models whose combined impulse falls into these two sizes must also be pre-approved for flight. The NAR Section Advisor will email you back with the approval status of your submission.
9) The launch will start after the range is set up and the sign-up roster is completely filled in. Sign-up will start after the range is set up. The two key positions that must be filled are Launch Control Officer and Safety Check-In Officer. The Launch Control Officer is the person who operates the launch controls. Training will be provided. The Safety Check-in Officer is responsible to checking all rockets before they fly. He/she checks all rockets and assigns pad numbers to flyers. This is done at the SCO table. SCOs must be HPR certified to pre-flight HPR rockets. However, since we fly all classes of hobby rockets at our HPR launches you do not have to be HPR certified to act as an SCO for LMR/MR class airframes. We need both kinds of SCOs to make this thing work; please feel free to sign-up.
10) No alcohol or other types of intoxicants will be allowed at any PSC launch or event. If you feel the need to alter your perceptions while at the launch or show up intoxicated you will be asked to leave. (This is private property and the landowner has the right to remove you from his property.)
11) Our site is used for hay/crops. Ignitors/Ignitor leads can cause harm to livestock. Make sure you place your spent or broken ignitor in the trash cans located next to pads.
12) Please pick up your trash. Bring a trash bag to the launch.
13) Smoking is allowed on site. However, no smoking will be allowed within 25' of any motor storage area.
14) Pets must be on a leash and small children must be supervised at all times.
15) Please park in the designated areas. Parking areas are selected to help prevent accidental landings on your vehicle. Remember this is a rocket range and accidents do sometimes happen. You might want to think twice about bringing a new $50,000+ dollar car out to a rocket range. We have never had a problem with this, but there's always a first time.
16) While PSC doesn’t charge a range or day fee for flying, all flyers are encouraged to donate what they can in the club’s donation jar which can be found at the range-head. This helps us provide the porta-potty, maintain and repair launch equipment, provide the landowner with a yearly thank you gift, and pay for unexpected expenses that go along with running a rocket range.